Tuesday, July 28, 2009


Well, I can't seem to find my camera. I don't get to take pictures and that makes me sad. Today, Juli and her kids, Tiffany and her kids and I went to Day Break beach. It was so much fun. I could not believe how many people were there and me without my camera. The kids had such a good time playing in the white sand. I'm sure Juli and Tiffany will have darling pictures to share. I'll keep looking for my camera. No Jenni, it's not in my purse.


Jenni S said...

Hahaha! You'd better dump that thing out again, you'd be surprised what you find! :) You're funny!

Jen said...

Just a hello since I seem to be lost in the summer. I bet you'll find me in your purse once school starts. xoxoxox

Tiff and Rand said...

So, I know you've found your camera since you last posted...I've seen it! Just sayin'. Love you!