Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Good Books

I just finished a book called "Franklin and Winston, An intimate Portrait of an epic Friendship". It was so good. I never realized that President Roosevelt and Prime Minister Winston Churchill were such wonderful and loving friends. It taught me so much about friendship through decisions they had to make during war and peace. What an eyeopener of the experiences of these great men.

Then tonight I just finished a book "Faith Rewarded, A personal account of Prophetic promises to the East German Saints" from the journal of Thomas S Monson. It's just a short book. I just cried throughout this book of journal entries of all the red tape and experiences he went through with the wonderful East German Saints. It was published in 1996. If any of you would like to borrow either of these books, you are very welcome.

History is really beginning to be interesting to me especially of World War II which stands to reason I guess. I am so grateful to our Heavenly Father watching over his children and loving us no matter where we are. I learned through President Monson's book how important it is to be humble and also thankful for every little thing we are blessed with. One thing he kept recalling in his book is how wonderfully they would sing, with conviction and the love of the Lord. He said that never has he ever heard Saints sing like that in America which is really sad since we have the most of any country.