Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Physical Therapy

So, Dave is having a Physical Therapist come to our home. This lady, Elise, became my friend so I had Dave give her a hat I made for her. WHY.....did she put the flower in the middle of her head I do not know? I haven't seen her so I haven't been able to tell her that the flower goes on the side. It's kind of a cyclops look BUT if she likes it that way, why should I change her style. Dave showed me this picture that he took of her because she was so happy. I almost dropped his camera. Anyway, she's really nice!


Jenni S said...

Hahahaha! That is really funny. That's GREAT that she's coming. How often? Is it helping?

Juli said...

What things is she having him do?

ruth said...

Well, Elise was mainly the fore-runner and now Jen comes and does his physical therapy. She has him do lots of stretches and is telling him as I'm writing this to walk 75ft 3 times a day. Our backyard from the fence by the shed to the fence by Lauritzen is 100ft so I told him to go outside and walk it. (It's snowing,hehe!) Anyway, I'm going to just walk with him everyday and hold on to him so he doesn't walk in someone elses house if we walk around the block. Poor thing. thanks for asking!

Tiff and Rand said...

Hahaha, Mom that flower comment is HILARIOUS!?! So how is the walking going, hmmm?