Friday, May 28, 2010

Visiting Graves

Robyn and I went to Jeremy and Tante Dora's graves today and put flowers on their graves for them. Robyn took pictures at Jeremy's grave. Her 3 little ones stood up flower pots that had blown over because it was pretty windy and got worse during the rest of the day.

I picked up Dave after that and Dave and I went to his grandparents, his uncle Paul and his dad's graves in Draper and then to Bob Kaufman's in Sandy. From there we went to Oma and Opa's on 33rd South and 13th East then to Clinton to little Eden Beesley's grave. That's the only one we took a picture of. It was pretty busy at most of the places even being 3 days before Memorial Day. It got cold and rainy so I'm glad we're home. I love all these wonderful people that passed on and I can't help but talk to them, as Dave fastened flower pots to the ground with hangers, and hope they know they are loved and remembered!


Juli said...

Thanks for visiting her. I love you guys, it looks so pretty with all the flowers.

Jenni S said...

Of course they know! The flowers look so pretty.