Sunday, July 17, 2011

My Beautiful Chair

Hildi wanted to take a chair to Deseret Industries because it was totaled. She asked if I wanted it and I told her sure. Jenni saw it at my house and said we could fix it up really cute. Soooo, next time Jenni's family came to town she painted it, put on a new seat and made it so gorgeous Hildi said "OK, I want it back now". Of course she was kidding but I was really happy she liked what my Jenni did. Thank you again my Jenni. Its a fun memory of you that I look at every single day and am so happy and proud of PLUS it dresses up our living room beautifully.



Jenni S said...

CUTE! I'm so glad you like it. That was really fun.

Juli said...

I LOVE IT!! Wish you had a before was pretty terrible.