Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Visiting Juli

Today I spent some time with Juli and her little ones. We had such a nice time. Juli and I made grape juice and it tasted great. Her kitchen got a little purple but what'dya do? Tomorrow she's coming over to our house and helping me make Thursday Night Dinner.

Here are Porter and Afton playing video games. Afton's playing and Porter's watching. Cute, huh?
Little Kennedy having a grilled cheese for lunch!
We had a nice time. I even took the Legacy Parkway and it was great with pretty scenery.


Jenni S said...

Fun day! That's cool you took the new Legacy Parkway thing, I want to see it - or drive on it - both!

Juli said...

Thanks for coming over Mom! I really needed the company & my kids did too. I'm glad we can come today too, we miss Arik so much. Too long, just want him home.

Tiff and Rand said...

Legacy Highway is so convenient, huh? I took it for the first time ever on Sunday, super fun. Looks like you two had a fun day. You're so nice and helpful Mom. Love you!

Robyn said...

Yum, grape juice. I love you, glad you had a fun day.