Monday, November 3, 2008

Memory Lane

I had my camera and everything and forgot to pull it out when I went to lunch with 2 friends and my Beehive Teacher today. We went to Applebee's at Fashion Place Mall and had a really great time. I had seen my friends Linda and Lora but Carol I haven't seen for years. Can't believe I didn't take out my camera. Her name is Carol, she's 74 now and still has as much energy and laughter as she did when I was twelve. She is just the cutest lady. With Carol I had my first Taco, my first sleepover, and other firsts that I don't remember now. Because of her example I wanted to be a Beehive Teacher too. What fun memories!


Tiff and Rand said...

That's the cutest thing ever, that you'd remember some firsts like that. You're adorable and were the BEST Beehive Teacher EVER!!! I know my friends that were in your class too would totally agree. Surprisingly enough, I've brought my camera places before and not used it at all, what a thing to forget!!!

Jenni S said...

fun new background! That's neat you went out with those ladies. I totally thought you were going to take pictures of every kid that came trick-or-treating to your house and post them on here! haha, I was wrong. How was halloween?

Adam and Brynn said...

How fun!!! I loved my leaders too. So many good memories! It's no wonder you can remember those things, beehives are so impressionable!! :)

Juli said...

That's so fun. I love your blog look & YOU!

Robyn said...

Nice blog mom. That's so fun. I don't remember who my Beehive teacher was, wait, I don't think I ever went as a Beehive. Ha! That must be why. Love you, glad you had a good time

Cindi said...

That's so cool that you got together with your beehive teacher. I loved mine too. She was awesome.

And thanks for inviting me to your "private" blog. I love it.