Friday, November 7, 2008

Thursday Night Dinner

We had a birthday party for the twins on Thursday Night. I took pictures but FORGOT to take pictures of the twins and the cake and the gifts. You'll just have to take my word for it that there WAS a party.....Grrrrr, silly me!

Here's a cute picture of Robyn playing the guitar and little Jordan showing his talent

Little Tiffany and Reagan ready to go out and play in the snow!

Little Jared looks like he would really like to go outside too!


Tiff and Rand said...

I'll vouch for you, there really was a party...cake and all! And it was super fun Mom, thanks for sacrificing your nice and clean house for a house full of CHAOS!!! I love you and had a way fun hanging out with you the whole day!

Jenni S said...

FUN! Parties are always fun. Cute pictures of cute people, as usual. :)

Odd Ottley's said...

YEAH! This is Ryan by the way. One of the reasons I haven't posted was because I had to post under "Hoochie mama", since this is from Erin's Gmail. sigh. How embarrassing. Anyway, thanks for doing Thursday dinners! I love coming over there, we all do. Food was rad as usual.

Robyn said...

I frosted the cake. I didn't get to eat any of it but it sure looked good. Thank you mom for having a party for my baby girls. They had a fun time and got a lot of nice presents. Love you