Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Christmas Lunch at Archibald's

Today 10 of us who were friends in High School were supposed to go to lunch. Two weren't able to make it but the rest of us had a great time. I decided to have us all stretch ourselves into doing daring things like wearing huge earrings that I gave everyone and gloves that go up your arm. We all laughed and had a great time. Here are pictures of all of us. I took the pictures except for the one I'm in of course. The waitress took that one and it turned out pretty blurry. Still a fun memories.

Friday, October 14, 2011

"The Ten Virgins"

Juli tried out to be in the Play "The Ten Virgins" and she got the part, of course. AND, what a great job she did. Juli, you could totally be on Broadway. Your part was so believable and so breath taking, I was just crying. Also, Juli could totally have lived back then. She looks so pretty in her costume. I brought my camera but, thanks to Robyn, the video turned out great. You did such a great job my Robyn! Thanks again.
Juli came and sat with us for awhile before the play started. We stood in line for I while to get fruit and rolls etc BUT the line went on forever so we decided to forget it and just sat down again.

On the program it read that Juli's name was Nava, A Woman Who Diligently Prepares. On the wall they put a slide of the woman whose turn it was to sing and under their picture was the name of her song. Juli's said "Beautiful" which explains her to the "T". Love you Juli and thank you so much for trying out!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Lunch with Johnny and Valoy

Cute Johnny designed this Tee Shirt and wore it today. Johnny is so sweet. I LOVE THIS TEE SHIRT!!! Really a darling way to say thank you to Jeremy. Johnny was so proud of it. He told me about it on the phone and said he was going to wear it today. I love them so much!
We went to lunch at Dave's favorite place, Sizzler's. We had such a nice time. The four of us have the best times together. When we got home I had them look at the book Robyn put together for us with everyone's comments and letters. I love that book and it was fun to share it with them.
Thank you so much for your friendship and love Valoy and Johnny.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Lunch with friends at work

Today I went to Guadalahonkie's for lunch with 3 of the best friends I've ever had at the National Guard. They brought another co-worker that's been working with them for 1 1/2 years whose name is Jennifer. From left to right there's Jennifer, Diane Johnson, Sherri Shepherd and Linda Duvall. Sherri is the boss so their 30 minute lunch was extended to 1 hour and 30 minutes. Such a good boss. I look kind of disheveled due to the fact that.....ask me later, I'll come up with something. Oh, I know, the wind was blowing like crazy and that is the truth!!!

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Memories of Jeremy

Thanks to Juli who thought it would be nice to get together today to remember Jeremy. Robyn Tiffany and Juli all made a wonderful dinner with all the trimmings including dessert. It was so nice. After we ate dinner we went to Memorial Estates to leave flowers and clean Jeremy's grave. It was all trimmed and oiled to a great shine before we left. I cut some roses from the backyard and Robyn put them in the vase at the cemetery. These are some of the pictures Tiffany took with her phone, if you can believe it. Thank you to all of you for making this a special day for me. Love you all!

I love this last picture of Oakley who said "goobye Unca Jemie, I law u

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Opa's Birthday Party

Jenni had this great idea of having a birthday party for Dave so Erin took the ball and ran with it. The party was at Ryan and Erin's house and we all had such a good time. Dave brought his camera and the pictures below are pretty much every picture that was taken at the party. The camera must have been put away when Tricia and Jeff and also when Stephanie and Brian came because there are no pictures of them but they were there and we are so happy everyone came. Such a fun day. I won't explain every picture because they are pretty much self explanatory.

Erin and Ryan had a cake with a Dinosaur on it. cute!!!

WYA, getcher fingers outta the cake!!!

Intimacy on the planet Ork.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

My Beautiful Chair

Hildi wanted to take a chair to Deseret Industries because it was totaled. She asked if I wanted it and I told her sure. Jenni saw it at my house and said we could fix it up really cute. Soooo, next time Jenni's family came to town she painted it, put on a new seat and made it so gorgeous Hildi said "OK, I want it back now". Of course she was kidding but I was really happy she liked what my Jenni did. Thank you again my Jenni. Its a fun memory of you that I look at every single day and am so happy and proud of PLUS it dresses up our living room beautifully.


Playing at the Brownings

I played with Riley, Reagan and Oakley for 3 days while Tiffany was at Girls Camp and Randy worked. He would come home around 4:30 or 5:00 and take over and I would come back the next time. I wish I would have taken pictures of everything but at least I remembered once in a while.

Hildi gave me some of these funny headbands. Oakley and Reagan just loved them.

Here's an adorable scrunchy smile from Oakley.
Here's a video of Riley going on the ramp his dad built for him the night before. Little Oakley is wandering in the for front. Here comes Riley, wait for it...wait for it......YAY!!!

Afton and Boston Day

July 2, 2011 was Afton's 8th birthday. She was Baptized by her dad Arik. Then Arik blessed little baby Boston. It was really nice having so many family members there.

After the spiritual part of the day we went to Beesley's beautiful home and had a nice dinner and cake and ice cream. It was such a nice time. Juli did a great job putting it all together. Thank you Yuli-lein!